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2020 Annual Employment Law Update
This annual update is your opportunity to understand the latest court cases, legislative and regulatory activity and significant developments that...
Anatomy of an Employment Lawsuit, Part I: Intake and Response
Our Employment Practice Group, will be co-presenting a program called “Anatomy of an Employment Lawsuit, Part I: Intake and Response”...
CLA 44th Annual Intellectual Property Law Section Institute
Dawn Newton, franchise and distribution law specialist and Intellectual Property co-chair, will be co-presenting a program titled, “So You Thought...
Sexual Harassment Prevention – #MeToo and #TimesUp Continues
Join our Employment Practice Group as we’ll provide an interactive two-hour, certified, sexual harassment training.
ABA’s 42nd Forum on Franchising
Dawn Newton, franchise and distribution law specialist, will be co-presenting a program on data privacy and security issues on a...
Employment Law for Non-Specialists
Employment issues cross over into many areas of legal practice and business industries. This program is designed to assist attorneys to understand and identify potential wage and hour and employment issues for their clients. Our panelists will provide a brief overview of the most common employment issues that are encountered by attorneys in practice areas […]
GDPR and CCPA: Consumer-Focused Privacy Laws And Their Impact
Join the CCCBA Business Law Section, Donahue Fitzgerald LLP, and Synch Law, a Scandinavian business law firm, for this timely and important program. The speakers will discuss two consumer-focused privacy laws that may have an impact on your client’s business – the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) and the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). The […]
Damages: How do we value cases now?
Employment and Immigration attorney, Jonathan Wong, will be co-presenting a program called “Damages: How do we value cases now?” at...
Onboarding and Termination 101
What are the best practices for onboarding a new employee? What kind of documentation is permitted and required in the...
Onboarding and Termination 101
What are the best practices for onboarding a new employee? What kind of documentation is permitted and required in the...