ABA’s 42nd Forum on Franchising
Dawn Newton, franchise and distribution law specialist, will be co-presenting a program on data privacy and security issues on a workshop called “Collect if You Dare: Practical Strategies to Help Franchise Parties Cope with GDPR and Other International Privacy Laws and the Evolving U.S. Privacy
and Data Security Landscape?” at the ABA’s 42nd Annual Forum on Franchising in Denver, CO on October 17, 2019.
As legislators are focusing on consumer privacy and data security with a vengeance, yet many businesses are not sure where to start. At the same time, consumers are demanding more data-driven convenience and innovation. The issues are compounded in the franchising world because of the multiple relationships between franchisors, franchisees, customers, and vendors. More than a year after its effective date, franchise parties continue to struggle with GDPR’s requirements. To further complicate this struggle, U.S. states are attempting to impose their own comprehensive privacy regimes on businesses.
The new California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), which takes effect on January 1, 2020, imposes costly and novel requirements on a broad range of large and small businesses across industries. Franchise chains with any California presence must consider whether and how, by virtue of structure or information practices, CCPA may impact their ability to collect and use consumer information. A number of other states are poised to take similar action. These new privacy laws define “personal information” so broadly that they potentially cover any business that captures ordinary customer data like email addresses, phone numbers, and payment history. This workshop will help prepare businesses or franchise clients for the “new normal” in international and US privacy and data security law.
To view the full brochure, please click here.